Mark Your Calendars for the 50th Reunion of the SM Class of 1975!!


Greetings, ‘75 Classmates!  It’s hard to believe that we’re talking about a 50th reunion, but here we are…  Yikes!

Of course, more details are to come, but we wanted to give you all a heads up as to the date:

  • Place:  The Bucyrus Club, 1919 12th Ave.
  • Date:  Saturday, July 26, 2025.
  • Plans for a Friday “Icebreaker” are also in the works.

It will be SM’s annual “Heritage Days” weekend, so between Lion’s Fest and the Heritage Days Parade there should be plenty of opportunities to make the most of the occasion.

Hope to see you all there!!

**We don’t have everyone’s email address, so we appreciate any updates.  Please check the attachment to this email.  If you know of any*, please send to:

Questions??? –  Email us at:

Your Reunion Committee: Tom Kubusek, Mariana (Lemens) Liebsch, Nels Monson, Sandy (Esaian) Stone, and Fred Przbelski, 


*All email addresses are confidential and will not be shared.